- Accessing student profile is possible through a dedicated menu or through attendance menu
- View current classes
- Student status
- Attendance history
- View student data such as scores and notes
- View timetable and exam timetable
- View home works and additional information added by teachers
- Respond to teacher and supervisor notes
View installment details for all his children in the school
View his children timetables
View teacher and supervisor notes sent to their children and reply to these notes
View his children absences and delays
Can send a direct message to his child supervisor
View his children exam scores
Saturday school is a solution that is intended to help school administrators to manage non-traditional tasks such as customized time tables, customized financing, flexible school activities and programs, and special classes such as book clubs and so on…
Manage students attendance
Manage different grades and rooms types
Manage finance
Provide communication through messages and emails
Generate customized reports
Generate report cards
Manage activities and programs (e.g. Quran stars)
Manage meetings and store MOMs
Manage user roles (e.g. Teachers, parents, assistants …etc.)
Managing parameters that define teachers’ profiles (Name, Email, Phone No., Classes, Subjects, Teacher or assistant
Messages and emails to parents
One teacher could teach more than one subject
One subject could be taught by more than one teacher
The teacher is eligible to view some of the students’ information in the classes he teaches
Can communicate with students and their parents